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AAPHP Meeting at Preventive Medicine 2014

  • 22 Feb 2014
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Jasperwood, Hilton New Orleans Revierside or by phone

This will be a general AAPHP membership meeting from Noon until 1:30 PM  (central time) on Saturday February 22.  Members can attend in person in the Jaspenwood Room at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside in New Orleans as part of Preventive Medicine 2014 or  by telephone 1-712-432-3066 (conference code 280904).


Noon to 12:15 PM  CST – Informal Networking (Attendees may bring a lunch purchased  from the PM2014 Lunch line to the room.)

12:15PM to 1 PM CST – Business Portion

Call to order,


Approval of  Minutes.  See AAPHP Bulletin Vol 60 No 1.pdf

Update on Membership and finances:

As of 2/22/2014 - 137 members  (44 pending renewal)


Presidential Awards - A list and description is in our February Bulletin AAPHP Bulletin Vol 60 No 1.pdf

Nominations Committee recommendations:

President-Elect: JP Ahluwalia

 Vice President: Brent Gibson  

 Treasurer: Dave Cundiff 

 Secretary: Samuel Jang  

AMA Delegate: Kevin Sherin

 AMA Alternate Delegate: Jonathan Weisbuch   

 Board Seat: Charlene Brown     

Nominations will also be taken from the floor. 


Passing of Presidency to Dr. Ryung Suh

1 to 1:30 CST -  Strategic Discussion lead by Dr. Suh:  Preliminary plans to deepen our policy advocacy capacities (beyond our AMA House of Delegate activities), targeted program expansions (primarily in educational resource domains), recruitment and outreach efforts (to expand our membership base), and collaborative partnerships (to strengthen our limited organizational capabilities).

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